Monday, October 18, 2010

"Miss Mackie, nature walks are the best!"

In third grade the past few weeks we have been learning about animals and their habitats. The great thing about science is that to really teach it to each student you must let them experiment and experience what you are teaching. Conducting experiments and engaging God's creation is where I see the students' excitement and understanding come to life. A few weeks ago our class took a nature walk around the school's property. We had a list of what we were hoping to observe, but before we set out we discussed the importance of documenting our findings. We created our very own field notebooks and set out with our checklist, ready to discover. In short, I was so proud of my students and how excited they were about the walk. They listened carefully to instructions and were so quiet that we could observe the animal sounds we heard! Enjoy the pictures posted below and stay tuned for more fun third grade adventures.