Thursday, April 8, 2010

Future Senators? Maybe in a Few Years!

We have returned from our adventure to our state's capitol, and we had a blast! We explored the beautiful building from top to bottom and even had the privilege of entering both the House and Senate Chambers! Each third grader had the chance to view the legislators' desks, as well as pick up the infamous gavel. However, our adventure didn't stop there! Senator George Hooks surprised us in the hallway with a smile and a handshake for every Heiskell student! It was a great honor to meet him and we all were beaming with pride! After visiting the museum on the top floor, we headed outside to sketch the interesting things we saw. The students loved visiting this important architectural and historic landmark and maybe one day a Heiskell alumni will run for office. We never know what the Lord has in store for us! Below are pictures from our big day.


Smurf said...

Sounds like a blast!!! Do you have anymore field trips planned before the school year ends?
